Hut Lung Disease: A Radiological and Pathological Correlation

Gurjeet Dulku, Neil Gupta, Ruad Perera, Kay-Vin Lam and Yuranga Weerakkody



Hut lung disease is a domestically acquired pneumoconiosis described in individual’s secondary to inhalation of particles from either grinding of maize, or when cooking on fires in a small dwelling, or hut. Palmer and Daynes first described the condition in 1967 seen in women in the Transkei district of South Africa, who had significant exposure due to traditional maize grinding practices . Patients may be asymptomatic, or present with varying degrees of dyspnea, and/or chronic bronchitis which may progress into advanced interstitial lung disease, massive pulmonary fibrosis or malignancy. We describe the radiological, and histological findings associated with hut lung disease.

Published on: November 10, 2017
doi: 10.17756/micr.2017-001
Citation: Dulku G, Gupta N, Perera R, Lam KV, Weerakkody Y. 2017. Hut Lung Disease: A Radiological and Pathological Correlation. J Med Imaging Case Rep 1(1): 1-4.
