Salim Loudjedi, Amina Bereksi, Bassim Fandi, Fatima-Zohra Boughezzal, Djamel Bouazza and Mouffok Kherbouche
About 115 cases of gastric perforation have been reported in the world literature from 1943 to 2000. Iatrogenic trauma by vigorous nasogastric or gastric tube placement has been described. Trauma due to stiff nasogastric tube causing gastric perforation in already compromised neonates is not uncommon entity and a high index of suspicion can clinch early diagnosis.
Published on: June 12, 2018
doi: 10.17756/micr.2018-012
Citation: Loudjedi S, Bereksi A, Fandi B, Boughezzal FZ, Bouazza D, et al. 2018. Giant Pneumoperitoneum in a Newborn. J Med Imaging Case Rep 2(1): 18-19.