Fatal Hemorrhagic Bacteremic Escherichia Coli Pneumonia in Neonate Post Cardiac Surgery

Hussam Hamadah and Mohamed Kabbani


Pneumonia is an important cause of neonatal infection with the potential of high morbidity and mortality, especially if complicated by blood-borne infection. We presented a fatal case with correlated radiological images of neonatal hemorrhagic bacteremic Escherichia coli pneumonia in cardiac patient post coarctation of aorta repair. The presentation was unusual with massive pulmonary hemorrhage and unilateral lung involvement leading to respiratory and hemodynamic failure that failed mechanical ventilator support and rescue extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO).

Published on: July 06, 2018
doi: 10.17756/micr.2018-014
Citation: Hamadah H, Kabbani K. 2018. Fatal Hemorrhagic Bacteremic Escherichia Coli Pneumonia in Neonate Post Cardiac Surgery J Med Imaging Case Rep 2(2): 21-23.
