Acknowledgement of Manuscript Reviewers MICR Volume – 2 (2018)

The Editors of Journal of Medical Imaging and Case Reports (MICR) would like to express their tremendous gratitude to all those individuals who participated in the peer review process during the preparation of this Volume-2 (2018). Many reviewers from around the world and across various disciplines provided their expert input that led to publication of the articles. The peer-reviewer’s generosity, judicious judgment, and timely response substantially helped us to publish a journal that both is timely and maintains exacting scientific standards; it is a genuine pleasure to express our deep sense of thank to all the reviewers collectively for their dedicated service.

Published on: January 05, 2019
doi: 10.17756/micr.2018-020
Citation: Acknowledgement of Manuscript Reviewers MICR Volume-2 (2018). J Med Imaging Case Rep 2(2): 37.
