Atypical Transitional Cell/Squamoid Carcinoma Arising from a Tailgut Cyst

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Veronica Chi Ken Wong, Joshua Wei Liang Yip, Ranjalee Liyanasuriya, Chuong Bui, Ken Le and Anthony Shakeshaft



A 59-year-old woman was found to have a 4 cm multi-lobulated mass arising from the posterolateral rectal wall with an adjacent prominent mesorectal lymph node. Correlative CT, MRI and FDG-PET studies were performed, with intense
FDG avidity in the rectal lesion and FDG uptake in the lymph node. Core biopsy favoured an atypical transitional cell/squamoid carcinoma, probably arising from a tailgut cyst. The patient was treated with definitive chemoradiotherapy with no evidence of residual/recurrent disease on repeat FDG-PET.

Published on: April 23, 2020
doi: 10.17756/micr.2020-041
Citation: Wong VCK, Yip JWL, Liyanasuriya R, Bui C, Le K, et al. 2020. Atypical Transitional Cell/Squamoid Carcinoma Arising from a Tailgut Cyst. J Med Imaging Case Rep 4(1): 16-18.
