COVID-19: A Review of Imaging Manifestations and the Current Role of Radiology

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Lenon Jason Dsouza, Fahd Mohamed, Marta Braschi-Amirfarzan and Richard Thomas
Imaging must be utilized judiciously for the management of coronavirus disease 2019, to minimize the inadvertent risk of transmission of the virus. Currently, known imaging manifestations encompass a broad spectrum of nonspecific findings which radiologists must recognize. Chest radiography has a lower sensitivity compared to computed tomography (CT), but can be a quick and inexpensive tool to establish a baseline in patients with moderate to severe disease. CT must be limited to selected patients with other justified indications. The radiology community must continue to share knowledge and direct research to further define the role of imaging in containing this pandemic.

Published on: October 30, 2020
doi: 10.17756/micr.2020–S1-003
Citation: Dsouza LJ, Mohamed F, Braschi-Amirfarzan M, Thomas R. 2020. COVID-19: A Review of Imaging Manifestations and the Current Role of Radiology. J Med Imaging Case Rep 4(S1): S6-S14.
