MR Imaging Findings in Serous Atrophy of the Bone Marrow: A Case Study

Rishi Subrahmanyan*, Roy J. Colglazier and Robert French

Serous atrophy of the bone marrow, also referred to as gelatinous transformation, is an important diagnostic consideration on MR imaging demonstrating hyperintense signal within the bone marrow on fluid sensitive sequences in conjunction with signal abnormality within the overlying superficial fascia and subcutaneous fat. This diagnosis is associated with a broad range of underlying conditions, such as malnutrition and chronic illnesses including prolonged infection, malignancy, congestive heart failure, and chronic kidney disease. The clinical presentation typically includes weight loss, cytopenia, and occasionally insufficiency fractures secondary to osteoporosis. The diagnosis of serous atrophy of the bone marrow is rarely made in clinical practice, and diagnosis can even be delayed due to initial misinterpretation of the characteristic signal abnormalities as technical error, potentially resulting in unnecessary repeat imaging examinations. Thus, evaluation of clinical history combined with recognition of distinct MRI findings can aid in efficient diagnosis and can avoid unnecessary repeat imaging.

Published on: September 22, 2021
doi: 10.17756/micr.2021-068
Citation: Subrahmanyan R, Colglazier RJ, French R. 2021. MR Imaging Findings in Serous Atrophy of the Bone Marrow: A Case Study. J Med Imaging Case Rep 5(2): 28-31.
