Dilemmas in the Management of Pseudoaneurysms, Treatment Approaches, and Clinical Outcomes

MICR 073
Gurjeet Dulku, Ross Vander Wal
A review was conducted of all patients who were investigated for pseudoaneurysms, including those who were treated with ultrasound guided percutaneous thrombin injection(s) – (UGTI) in the medical imaging department since 2014. Our institute’s electronic database was searched and data was extracted using the keywords “thrombin” and “pseudoaneurysm”. A total of 87 cases were identified. Out of these, we present a series of six interesting pseudoaneurysms cases, its associated management dilemmas, treatment approaches, and clinical outcomes. Key learning point for each case is discussed.

Published on: March 25, 2022
doi: 10.17756/micr.2022-073
Citation: Dulku G, Vander Wal R. 2022. Dilemmas in the Management of Pseudoaneurysms, Treatment Approaches, and Clinical Outcomes. J Med Imaging Case Rep 6(1): 4-10.
