A Rare Case of Mature Cystic Teratoma with Infantile Hemangioma and Pericardial Invasion

Figure 1
Juka S. Kim, Isabel K. Eng, Janis M. Yee, Margaret Lee, Monica Deshmukh and Mariam Thomas


Distinguishing the origin of mediastinal masses as pericardial or paracardial is difficult and has significant implications for subsequent treatment. We present the first reported case of a mature cystic teratoma with infantile hemangioma that initially appeared to be a paracardial mass abutting the pericardium but was found to be a paracardial mass with pericardial invasion. Although computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are the diagnostic modalities of choice to localize and assess infiltrative growth into surrounding structures, imaging may not fully capture the underlying pathology as in our case.

Published on:  July 12, 2024
doi: 10.17756/micr.2024-104

Citation:  Kim JS, Eng IK, Yee JM, Lee M, Deshmukh M, et al. 2024. Rare Case of Mature Cystic Teratoma with Infantile Hemangioma and Pericardial Invasion. J Med Imaging Case Rep 8(1): 14-17.
