Case Study: Iatrogenic Hematoma as a Complication of the Trapezius Squeeze Test

Figure 1
Kanza Mirza, Matthew Stewart, Stefan Knezevic and Daniele Wiseman


Clinicians often use noxious stimuli to assess consciousness in patients with impaired levels. The sternal rub and trapezius squeeze test (TST) induce nociceptive signals, with the sternal rub being more commonly used. However, due to its risk of causing abrasive injury, the TST has become the preferred technique. This case report presents the first documented iatrogenic hematoma from the TST, successfully managed through embolization of the left suprascapular artery. Though generally considered safe, the trapezius squeeze test may carry a risk of vascular injury. Potential risk factors are discussed.

Published on: November 29, 2024
doi: 10.17756/micr.2024-110

Citation:  Mirza K, Stewart M, Knezevic S, Wiseman D. 2024. Case Study: Iatrogenic Hematoma as a Complication of the Trapezius Squeeze Test. J Med Imaging Case Rep 8(2): 46-48.
